Same Again

Another warm, steamy morning. It's much the same as yesterday and the day before although there's a little more west in the wind today; not that it's puffing strong enough to blow away the humid salty air that's hanging over the beach.

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Murray Fraser

Everyone's flocking to the water this morning to cool the body and rinse off the steamy night and warm start to the day. It didn't drop below 20 degrees all evening…

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Murray Fraser

We're in for a warm one, in fact it's going to be a warm couple of days in Sydney and surrounds. Thirty plus today, tomorrow and the next day; even hotter if you're anywhere out of reach of the cooling sea-breeze.

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Murray Fraser

Nice little pop of colour as the sun pushed through some clouds scattered about the horizon this morning. From cloudy beginnings, there's no shortage of sunshine out there at the moment; beats yesterday's drizzly start to the day! There is however a real shortage…

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Murray Fraser

It's a rare occasion indeed when you overlook Freshwater and don't see a single person on the beach. This morning it was just footprints, the tidal soakings of sand, and a couple of tiny figures way off at the other end…

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Murray Fraser
Change Combo

Yesterday afternoon's late change in weather is still lingering and the effects are paying dividends on the surf front. The combination of howling northerlies most of Sunday and light offshore winds today means we've got…

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Murray Fraser
Snuffed Out

The sunshine was brief this morning but it coincided with a light puff of offshore wind giving the very beginning of the day a glimmer. Waves were small and clean, the sun was shinning and it looked like we were in for a goodie...

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Murray Fraser
Half Decent

Not too bad, half decent and kind of ok out there this morning. The swell's up from the east and while it was wobbly early thanks to overnight wind and an early high tide, it seems to have cleaned…

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Murray Fraser

A greyscale kind of a morning with a cool sou'wester and just enough east swell to percolate some interest. I had pretty low expectation and judging by the early crowd the sentiment must have been shared. But there were…

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Murray Fraser

Too warm and humid to sleep in this morning; not that I've been doing much of that lately. Outside the air was thick and steamy with the temperature nudging towards 22 degrees at 5am, no wonder everyone…

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Murray Fraser
Soft Tones

It was warm out there this morning, almost like a summer's morning except for the hint of sou-westerly that was keeping conditions smooth and glassy. There wasn't even enough of a breeze to disperse the salty haze…

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Murray Fraser

It's hard to get a handle on the winds at the moment. There's been overnight onshore's, dawn ruffles and brief moments of offshores as the wind fluctuates before the summer trades set in. I thought I was doing myself a favour by getting up super early…

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Murray Fraser

A thoroughly pleasant morning out on the ocean this morning. The waves weren't pumping by any means but the water is warming, it's clean & clear and the spring sunshine was plentiful. And, while it may not have been…

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Murray Fraser
On Target

After three days of east swell it feels like this morning it's finally sorted itself out. There's still a degree of a wonkiness to the swell but the good ones are hitting the banks on target and it's as clean as it gets…

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Murray Fraser

These kind of days, when all indications are for great conditions but it's just not happening, always present a conundrum. Go now and take what's on offer? Or roll the dice and see what later brings. My schedule forced the former…

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Murray Fraser

After a couple of days of cool, stiff southerlies, the light winds and sunshine is back in town with a clean little SSE swell in tow. It's 2-3ft and mostly straight on the early low-tide but in amongst the closeouts is the odd little tube…

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Murray Fraser

Lovely little swell out on the ocean this morning. Predominantly south with just enough east in it for the bombie to work its magic and push some peaks in our way. Somehow I managed to shoot a whole session…

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Murray Fraser
Catch Up

It's been a little while since my last post. Been busy? Under the weather? Holiday? Yep... a little bit of all of the above. Plus, the waves have fairly lacklustre of late (except for that Saturday of the long weekend when it was cooking everywhere). Anyway, let's get caught up…

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Murray Fraser