Set Up
These kind of days always present a conundrum. When all indications are for great conditions but it's just not happening do you go now and take what's on offer? Or roll the dice and see what later brings. My schedule forced the former and in my experience it wasn't very good... closeout's on a shallow bank churning up sand and activating rips. I got two waves and threw in the towel.
There's no shortage of swell and I reckon it'll improve with a bit more water on the banks. Although, there was a ruffle of onshore starting to show on the water's surface. Hmmm, decisions... now or later?
The schedule for the Surf Hops & History Festival at the newly opened Brooky Surf Club ( back of Bennetts Surfboards) is looking amazing. If you haven't check it out, click through and take a look. Tickets are only $10 for three days of rich surfing culture & history celebrating 60 years since the first World Surfing Championships were held at Manly Beach. It's going to be an iconic event.
North Steyne Yoga Studio - Free to join... just rock up.
Indications are good...
Chris trying to find a line
Shallow Funnel
South End Sunshine
Floating Ambition
No shortage of swell