Sprout Daily

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Early Swim

It's fair to say is was kinda pumping out there this morning; a surprise gift thanks to a gusty evening of nor'easters. It's 2-3ft, with the odd bigger one, offshore and clean - everywhere along The Beaches would have waves today and the westerly winds are forecast to hang about. Blue bird, offshore days surfing in boardies are how summer's are supposed to be.

The sunshine's going to stick about over the weekend but the swell probably won't. These nor'east windswells tend to fade as fast as they appear. Time to switch the Out Of Office on, drop the tools and go enjoy a little summer surprise.

The guys, girls and groms from QBC are doing SurFebruary and in three days they've already raised over $1000 for cancer research and treatment - wow! Join the team or donate here.


2023 Sprout Daily Wall Calendar - Down to the last box 

Corner Entry

Double Boarding

El Capitan Blaise blazing

Pleasant Surprise!

Matilda say's "To day is A good DAy To SUrF" and she's right on!

Tyson whip

Graham going vertical on the middy

Vanishing Point 


Summer Offshore

See this form in the original post