
Sunrise Texture

Morning! It's been a little while since the last post. Average weather, sub-par waves, other work to attend to, nasty tick bite are some of the reasons I've been MIA.  But, with all that glorious sunshine and one of the earliest sunrise's of the year in play I wanted to get immersed in all the action this morning. It's such a nice time of the day in a beautiful time of the year... sleep-in's aren't an option. 

This morning's sunrise was at 5:36am. The next time the sun rises at 5:36am on our clocks in Sydney will be 7 December and from that date onwards the sunrise inches later. The good news is we'll have long, warm afternoons to bask in; not a bad consolation to loosing all that time in the morning.

Waves this morning were ok and starting to look better as I was leaving the beach. Best to get in before the wind gets up or find a protected corner later in the day. 

To celebrate and embrace the Spring season we're offering 30 percent off the range of Recently Added prints as well as any prints from the Daily Posts or Instagram - take a browse, find a print, email me - easy. We never do discounts so take advantage of this rare deal if you've been contemplating some fresh art for the summer. The offer is available for the next 2 weeks only and applies to any size Fine Art Print Only by using the discount code SPRING2330 at the checkout.  If you'd like a framed print email me and we'll sort something out for you too.

Have a stellar long weekend - catch you next weekend. 



Last days of SurfAid's Make A Wave Challenge - Help them get to $500,000!



Sunrise in the brine


Olly trailing the light


Sunshine on my shoulder 


Offshore & OpenDelicate Feather




Light Moment




Archer stretch


Forward Trim


Pulled Back

Murray Fraser