Light Show

Stepping on light

We're on a stellar run of sunrises right now. Three good ones in a row with this morning's sunrise perhaps the jewel in the crown. The light and colour lingered across a couple of transitions from gentle glow to roaring inferno until the sun finally emerged from the horizon. The good thing about these late starts is that just about everyone gets a chance to be up for the light show - no alarms necessary. 

The waves were pretty ordinary first thing however, if surfing's on the agenda, I'd be keeping a keen eye on it. The wind is forecast to go offshore and it might clean up and deliver something smooth and fun later in the morning.

Have a great weekend. 


Alt Craft


First Glow


Worth a Pause


Molten Swim


South End Pinks




Will Racing


Ladies & Their Boog's


Little Insider


Jordi finding some room to swing


Headlands & Beaches

Murray Fraser