High Float
Morning and a very happy Friday to you. It's another morning of high frequency, short period swell out on the Tasman. It's was trying it's best to be peaky but the reality was most waves hit the banks as a closeout and floaters were pretty much the only viable option to completing a turn.
The short period nor'east swell is set to continue into the foreseeable future with the odd window of offshore. We'll take that over "flat" any day!
Next Friday, Surf Conservation Partnership are holding a fundraising event in the city featuring ol' sparring buddies Rabbit Bartholomew and Shaun Tomson chatting about the Free Ride era. Word is Shaun & Rabbit are wizards on the mic and promises be an epic way to end the working week. Surf Conservation has a unique approach to creating sustainable programs in areas of high value to surfing and biodiversity. If you're not familiar with SC, take a moment here or buy a ticket and attend the event and get the full lowdown.
Tull & Arch
QC jousting
Corner Peel
Birthday board tests
Twining! Blaise & Zac
Zac hammering
Wes spotted something
Left point
Tully finding a non-closeout - yew!
Frothy grommet float