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:: Trans Tasman Highlights

Yesterday we wrapped up another New Zealand road trip and this morning we're on the short puddle skipping flight back to Sydney.  Thought it could be a good chance to send out a few of the highlights from our two week travels around the North Island. I've got to admit I'm really starting to dig New Zealand as a surfing destination.  Sure the water might be a little cooler that Australia, but with wetsuit technology the way it is these days you can rug up and be as comfortable as you want.  There's two coasts within a couple of hours of each other and an almost infinite number of points, reefs, bays and islands all with potential to pump with the right mix of conditions.  Every time I'm here it gets me thinking about another trip heading down a different dirt road to see what's there and surf somewhere new.

Huge thanks to the crew from Wilderness for setting us up in the best vans on the road.  Thanks to everyone that helped us out along the road and welcomed us into their house.  We'll be back! :: Murray