:: Van Life

The bad news is that the swell has almost faded on the East Coast of New Zealand.  There was barely 2ft of swell when we woke up on the coastal road to the Mahia Peninsular this morning and the little reef we'd planned to surf was running on empty.  Carl took his chances on what might be the last opportunity to surf on this trip to New Zealand but it was slim pickings. The good news is that we're now in Napier and we've got one of the most scenic drives ahead of us back to Auckland via the central highway across some beautiful snow-capped wilderness and a couple of active volcano's.  The country side and geology of NZ is in start contrast to back home in Australia; it's so seismically active!   Just this morning, there was a magnitude 5.7 earthquake in Wellington on the southern tip of the North Island of New Zealand.  We didn't feel anything a few hundred km's to the North and from reports we've heard there hasn't been any major damage.

Catch you back in Manly next week. :: Murray