Swell's Back!
Waves Are Back! Mick seting a line early
You probably noticed but Winter’s back! If the cold offshore didn’t remind you then getting rattled by your first bomb set of the session would have.
I wandered down the beach with no leash thinking it’d be a cruisey two foot then boom, a solid 4 footer rolls in! The South swell is up, it’s clean and, surprisingly, it’s holding up pretty well straight out front. Surfing is on!
Now winter’s back in town, it might be time for another look at that NCHE Full Suit you had your eye on. Click through, sign up and they’ll hook you straight up with 15 percent off.
Larry Layback
Dan - Ever Stoked
George chancing a left
Axel - Back from J-Bay
Set the rail and take a seat
Traffic Dodger
Get in the hole!
South Swell holding up!
Got to fly!