Flashback ⚡️ TC Gita
Mark Matthew making memories
One year ago yesterday I arrived on the hill at Kirra to the pulse of TC Gita filling in the sand-bottom points under light offshore winds. I'd driven all night from Sydney, napping once around Coffs Harbour but with the morning session at Coolangatta firmly in my sights. One of the first waves I saw when I arrived was Matt Matthew's draining tube pictured above. For a guy recovering from a horrific leg injury it was a significant wave! Perfection!
Today surfer's eyes are once again on the Gold Coast points and the unpredictable dance of TC Oma out in the Coral Sea. There's no doubt there'll be waves but how big, how clean and how potentially destructive is all linked to the next move Oma decides to take.
Back in Sydney it's raining and the southerly change has ramped up the south swell a touch. Kind of a sleepy sort of morning.... Will we see a little pulse from the NE courtesy of Oma? Maybe mañana...
Time Tunnel
Coolangatta Pulse
A gentle tap on the brakes
Kirra Lines
Team Work
Insert me here please
Yep, he's still going....