Dawn Dwellers
20 Degrees
This morning is just about a carbon-copy of yesterday. The high-tide’s a touch later and there’s a little colour in the sky thanks to some clouds to the South but other than that it’s pretty much same, same only Tuesday. We’ve got crisp offshore wind’s and a little bit of South swell sneaking in. Surf? Mmmm, it’s kind of straight but there’s the odd one running.
Jae Laffer of The Panics is performing at a solo show in Fairlight this Friday evening. If you haven’t heard of Parlour, they’re small gigs in intimate venues independently organised – cool concept! Tickets are super limited – Click for the details.
Southern Glow
Shut The Gate
Go North
Ethan - Rail Wrap
Hayles - Board Swap
Suit Up
Tip Top
Under Edge
Inside Slash
Josh - Full Frontal