20 Degrees
Simon & Seamus - First Light
20 Degrees
Someone mentioned that "it was a beautiful Autumn morning" out there today. It certainly still feels like Autumn in the water (still 20 degrees !) but my pushbike home into was pure winter! I couldn't feel my hands or feet on the ride home! When the windchill and cold air of Manly lagoon combine it's not much above zero (my weather app says it "felt like" 3.6)! That's cold in anyones book!
Last week's epic run of East swell is all over. This week we're in for a run of South with a sizeable spike toward the end of the week; not the best direction for the Northern Beaches, but hey, at least we'll be surfing!
This morning was slow with the odd 2 footer at Manly, mid-tide and good fun! It's probably twice the size on the South facing stretches. Catch you tomorrow!
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20 degrees in!
Dawn Right
Surface Waves
Left Spinner
Josh stepping to light
Point & Shoot
Oh Hi Monday! - The Critter
Under Edge
Graham - Vouch Trim
Light Leak
Forward Trim
Beam Me Up