High Tidal

Mossy lucking in

Mossy lucking in

It was a little less smokey out there this morning. Apparently the smoke has blown through New Zealand and made it way right across the pacific to Chile and Argentina. Crazy huh!

I haven't really got my bearing on the tides at the moment but it seems like a handful of the banks are working at high (plus shorey!), some on the mid-tide and low-tide is pretty much a closeout from Manly to Queenscliff. 

The longboarders were milking the most out of this morning's high-tide on the outside banks while a handful of grommets were throwing caution to the wind and surfing to the sand on an inside shorebreak. Different strokes for different folks.

As the year wrapped up last year I mentioned we'd be promoting a Maldives Boat Trip through the Central Atolls onboard Carpe Vita with The Perfect Wave. The Carpe Vita is a big spacious boat which normally works the North and South Male Atolls, this trip will be a little longer to cover ground and access the less crowded and more consistent Central Atolls. I'm keen!

How good would it be to lock in a mid-year Maldives trip! That'll sharpen the focus on these hazy summer months. There's still spaces available - Email me your interest and we'll get some info out to you. 


Getting steep in the shallows

Getting steep in the shallows

Grom Search

Grom Search

Shorey Whack!

Shorey Whack!

Jo & JF

Jo & JF

Hightide roll in

Hightide roll in

Schools in for summer!

Schools in for summer!

Golden Arches - Not a bad place to work huh

Golden Arches - Not a bad place to work huh

Murray Fraser