Yeah Nah
It's another windy and wet morning out there. The straight onshore winds and brown water are making a dip in the ocean about as appealing as a poke in the eye. In fact, you might get a poke in the eye if you choose to swim, there's so much debris floating about at the moment. There was a brief moment of light early on when the sky turned pink and it looked as though we might get a sunrise. But, it was quickly stubbed out.
Thinking about surfing? Yeah, nah I reckon I'd pass. Give it a day or two... maybe three.
Thinking about buying a surfboard? Now that's the go today and throughout the weekend! Aloha Manly'sEaster Salestarts today. MISFIT Warehouse sale is on! Even Rhino Laminating is rolling out the sale signs at the Factory! A good weekend of surf retail is ahead of us - go inject some cash into your favourite surf shop!
Catch you Monday.