After a rather pleasant, user-friendly day of nor'east swell yesterday, we've had a full switch in direction to south today. Arriving under the cover of darkness, it's a polar opposite swell with a whole different personality neatly groomed and well presented but packing some grunt. There's time between sets as is the go with longer-period swells, but when they arrive you don't want to be caught out, especially on the early low tide.
Offshore conditions aren't going to last all day so make the most of it.
The M/SF/T + World Meets Spring Clean Carpark Sale is underway in the lane behind the store on Pittwater Rd, Manly. It's today and tomorrow only, 9am-5pm.
Sprout Print Sale - Use the code SPRING2330 for 30 percent off all unframed prints - Browse
Run Run Run
Calm Waters
Jagged Lines
Poolside Leisure
Nice place to park
Tough wind for the v-ballers
Swim Bliss
Decent Size
Dune Views
Johnny in the corner