There's something about a flat ocean that calms the senses. Today the ocean is almost still and there's hardly a breathe of wind in the air, the only thing natural in motion was our steady roll towards the sun and the clouds shifting over head. It felt like a good day to set up the tripod, stay still and observe the easy passing of time. You can observe a lot in an hour simply by staying in the same position.
One thing I observed that surprised me was people surfing; like, actually catching a wave! It took a great deal of optimism to pull a surfboard out, walk down the beach and paddle out today but for the few that did the ocean delivered. Every so a three wave set would roll through, peak up and peel laconically down a shallow sandbank. Mind you, a swim was just as salubrious.
If you need a little more action in your life, it's final's day at Bells - Tune In.
Early Calm
Rolling towards the sun
Big Flat
Invitation to Swim
Anna on an ankle-biter
Light Yellow
Sunshine Still
Em & Tas
Benny heading into the deep
Tas trimming the pocket