


After 10 days of camping it's a simple luxury to sleep in you're own bed, even if I was wide awake before the sun was even glowing on the horizon. With only 2 hours between NZ and Sydney time, it's not a full flip but the subtle change definitely has an effect on the body-clock - more of a jet-linger than a full blown jetlag. It's all good if you like waking up early!

How good's the water temp over this side of the Tasman! We've got it easy!  So nice to step into a warm ocean without the body-shock of cold water. If surfing on the card there waves in the 1-2ft range with a light Sou-South-West just ruffling the surface and a tangle of seaweed below. Get in while the wind's still light and offshore.

Catch you Monday

Sunshine Everywhere!

Sunshine Everywhere!

Swinging in the Rays

Swinging in the Rays

Phil - Point & Shoot

Phil - Point & Shoot

Washed with Light

Washed with Light



Mid-length line

Mid-length line

How good's a morning rinse!

How good's a morning rinse!

Mind the sunshine!

Mind the sunshine!

Murray Fraser