Sweet Spot
If you had left your windows open like I did last night you would have felt and heard that southerly come through like a steam train at around 1pm last night. The windows, doors and blinds came to life but the result was sweet relief from yesterday's stifling heat.
This morning is a vast contrast to yesterday's stillness. There's movement everywhere you look with the trees swaying, the sand shifting and a building southerly wind swell on the ocean. If you bothered looking for a wave this morning there was a sweet spot of time when the swell was still small enough to filter into the deeper holes making for nice little left runners. It's probably too big and too south for those smaller wave banks by now.
Enjoy the cooler weather. It'll warm up again later in the week.
Shoutout to North Steyne's Axel Curotta for his Runner Up performance losing out to ex-CT surfer Julian Wilson at the Newcastle Surf Fest Event over the weekend. Congratulations!
Left Rip Bowl
Logging into the wind
Jordi poised on the lip
Belinda entry
Light on the bowl
Bunny Hop
Coach Ryan - All the best with the op today mate!
Wind blown flare
Shifting Sands