Sprout Daily

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Autumn Especial

Autumn E’special

That sunrise this morning was a special one! A real autumn burner with a full spread of colour and texture across the dawn sky. North to south was awash with vivid oranges and pinks - hope you managed to sneak a little peak of it in real life. If not, think of this post as the Reader Digest version of this morning's sunrise. Oh, btw, If you want to see the photos in full size, click here to view them online on your desktop.

There's still a little swell about this morning but the sandbanks are super shallow. Plenty of punch but not much room to move. So people like it like that...

Ok, back to the home office, we've got work to do.  


Cliffside Views

Graduated Walk

Into the Sunrise

Southern Glows

Slow Fade

Out There!

Post Colour Swim

Well Spaced Humans

Winter V

Long Walls of Green


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