
Liquid Fire

I hadn't planned on shooting this morning; but a hint of colour at first light drew me out the door. I have to admit, I've been enjoying the extra sleep but there's something that still gets me when the sky is about to light up at dawn. This morning was a good one; a long drawn out sunrise with rich colour and deep contrast lighting up the sky and cliffs of Freshwater Beach. Light like that is aways worth getting out of bed for.

The waves are much the same as yesterday; a short-period bump of swell from the NE and a little texture thanks to a light northerly wind. Surfable for sure but keep your expectations social. 


Here we go… !


Light Up


Background Sky


Dawn Cliffs


Orange Orb


Knee-high trim


Moore Road Glow


High Carry


Channy - Subtle redirection


Cap & Float


Outside Cruise

Murray Fraser