

Surprising little pulse of nor'east swell groomed clean by an early sou'wester out there this morning. We're talking waist-to-shoulder high little runners rolling in sets of three or four waves... plenty to go 'round. It looked like a whole bunch of fun down in the southern corner before the flags went up.

Apologies for the radio silence the last few days. I took the chance to sneak out of Sydney for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and recharge the batteries and see some friends. First time out of town in ages... I tell ya, it's nice to hit the road and see some raw coastline... even surfed by myself! Hopefully more of that soon.

Have a good one!


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Thursday Joys


19.1 in the water


Back scratcher ten


Rail Slidin'


Logger Turns


Tight Arch




Nic treading the line


Neat Little Perch

Murray Fraser