Early Low
Was an early start for a cool winter morning today; mind you 6:30 isn't all that early in reality. With an 8:36am low tide, it was a case of the earlier the better and I reckon we scored a couple of runners before the bank went fully straight. Late in the week as the low-tide nudges towards midday, we might find the morning sessions a little more user friendly.
This morning there's the odd 2 footer on the south-facing beaches but it's the smaller ones that are running down the banks. It’s a glorious day out there now. Sun's out, the wind's offshore and, if you play your cards right, you might just find a little wave.
Dawn Drift
Tom & Two Pelicans
Dawn Glide
Knee-High Noseride
Winter Trim
Pocket Right
Sunny Left
Straight with the Sun
Blow Out
Freshie Bubble