Clean Up

Clean Up

Clean Up

It always takes a day or two for the inertia in the ocean to settle after a storm like we had over the weekend. Yesterday's calm wind left the ocean glassy but with a raw, ominous edge to it. This morning we've got a light offshore and the bumps and edges are giving way to a clean, more polished state of affairs. That means more diamonds, less rough.

The wind is supposed the be light and variable all morning; that usually means offshore... let's hope so! See ya! 


Join us in the Maldives Central Atolls this July!

WV - Out There!

WV - Out There!

Warped Cavern

Warped Cavern

Corner Roll In’s

Corner Roll In’s

Lunar Influence

Lunar Influence

Tiaan going upside down

Tiaan going upside down





The offshore starting to do its thing…

The offshore starting to do its thing…

Pool Closed

Pool Closed

George shifting the brine

George shifting the brine

Set Up - He got a real good one!

Set Up - He got a real good one!

Murray Fraser