Go Surf!
Five in the clouds
There's a quote from Bob on the McTavish website that says "I only surf when it's at least 2 out of 10 and that's about 300 days a year". With only 28 days in February, chances are, everyday's going to be surfable; for Bob at least. SurFebruary raises funds for groundbreaking projects in the cancer space with the simple pledge of surfing or swimming everyday in February. SurFebruary partner with Chris O'Brien Lifehouse and the simple act of surfing is already having an impact in Cancer Research & Treatment - check out what they're up to. Oh, and it's too late to get involved!
There's some fun waves about today; the trick is getting a read on the rip. The rip out front of North Steyne is like a whirlpool and it's tricky, real tricky! We've got 2-3ft of east swell and a light offshore last time I checked... should be waves everywhere.
This afternoon and evening, SurFebruary and the Harbord Hotel are hosting a launch party with WinstonSurfshirt doing a DJ Set. Surfing kicks off from 5pm with the party starting in the bar after. Ticket sales raise funds for SurFebruary.
2023 Sprout Daily Wall Calendar - Down to the last box
SurFebruary co-founder Mike Durante & cancer survivor Richie Lovett
Declan laying some rail
Rich - Getting into the latest craze of boogie boarding.
Speedy RIght
Floating timber
Thick Shorey
I don't know where this one came from, but it was a cracker!
Blake flaring
First Light