:: New Jersey Shore

G'day from the Eastern Seaboard of the United States.  I made the trip door to door trip from Sydney to New Jersey's Asbury Park in record time of 32.5 hours.  Trains, Planes, Buses, Subways, NJ Transit and a 1 mile walk through dodgy streets at 3:30am.  But I made it.  Asbury Park is about an hour South of New York City and super mellow in comparison; more of a seaside mini-city than a suburb.  Bruce Springsteen used to glass boards around these parts when he was growing up. The waves were fun this afternoon with tiny but perfect little sand-bottom peelers breaking off one of the rock groins (they called them Jetty's here) that exist every 800m or so along the shore front in these parts.  It was seriously perfect and the Sean Wilde log that my host Doug brought back from Sydney a few years back was made fro waves like these.  Doug's got a neat cafe here in Asbury Park called Cafe Volan - best coffee I've had in the US, ever!  More about Doug and Cafe Volan later.  It's late, I'm tired but I can't sleep cause the body is working in Aussie time. Catch you tomorrow ∆ Murray