Swim #2

Eden amping

The change has happened and it feels like we've woken up in a different season this morning. It's cool out there today. The good news is the water is still wonderfully warm; if it wasn't for the wind an hour-long session in boardshorts wouldn't be out of the question.

Today I took swim number two with the new housing and made a few tweaks on the camera set up. It was a much more user-friendly surf to be swimming in today so easy to feel a touch more confidence. It's really great to be back in the water soaking up the energy and viewing the light from sea-level. It's my favourite place to shoot in the mornings and I'm looking forward to getting used to this new set-up and adding a lens or two to the quiver.

Waves were pretty fun out there early. It's lost some of the grunt of yesterday but it's a cleaner, more organised swell. Worth a look for sure...


Light Between


Classy one to roll into


TB under the hood




Surface Transmission 


Left Bowls Yonder


Textured Light

Murray Fraser