Sprout Daily

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:: Weekend Edition

I know it's the weekend and a long weekend at that; they're the best!  Looks like Sydney's putting on some pretty amazing weather for it too.  Nice day on Saturday followed by a boiler on Sunday - 35 degrees!  Pretty early for that kind of heat but at least it beats the usual rain that the Manly Jazz Festival normally attracts. Here in Morocco it's pretty much the same - 31 degrees today and 36 on Sunday.  The heat's dry and the sun doesn't seem as harsh as it is in Sydney.  You might have already noticed but the light's different up here too; amazing how it changes the world over.

We're still hanging out for a decent swell here in Taghazout.  There's a good one forecast for next week but it may be just a day too late for me (trying to change flight!). In the meantime we drove up the coast and found a leg burner of a log wave... if only we had a log!

Enjoy the Long Weekend!
