
The Scene 

The Scene 

Ok, there's waves out there again! You know; fun lefts and rights and even the odd sneaker set catching the line up off guard. Scroll down and check the last photo in today's post. That wave was a genuine 4 footer (that's a 9ft longboard in the lip) and broke hollow and at a perfect pace left to right across the ban with no takers.  Ahhh, if only...

The forecast for the coming days is for a slow fade in the swell, light winds and a little rain for the garden.

Hey, it's the end of the financial year. If you need framed art for your office, get your order in this week! Email me or browse online!


The Monday Crew

The Monday Crew

Insider under heavy clouds

Insider under heavy clouds

Winter Light

Winter Light

High & Tight

High & Tight

Chilly Dips

Chilly Dips

Right Jab

Right Jab

Paralell Line 

Paralell Line 

Archer swinging the pendulum 

Archer swinging the pendulum 

Castle Rights 

Castle Rights 

George Hooking

George Hooking

Into the corner

Into the corner

The End...

The End...

Murray Fraser