12ft & Single
Another cracker of a Winter morning in Sydney today. You know the story - crisp clear air, soft light and a cool offshore. This morning there's just enough Southerly swell to get you up and riding on a nine-foot-plus slab of foam. Anything else and you're probably just sitting around smelling the coffee roasting at Manly Vale.
We're got some sensational weather lined up ahead of us; light winds and sunshine all the way into next week. Not much joy on the swell front though, the next bump on the charts is 5+ days away at least.
How about last night's sunset! Hope you caught a glimpse!
Keiran - Birthing His Fresh Sled
Cloud Lines
Cloud Cover
Freshwater Sun Burst
Three's A Crowd
Happy Hayley
Light Strands
Sunshine Left
The Pink Rocket
Josh Between Worlds