Water Colours
Change happens quickly when it comes to the weather. One day it’s 33, then you wake up and it’s 12 degrees.
Even this morning change has happened at a rapid pace. One minute it’s flat, dark and cloudy, next thing the sun’s out and there’s 3 foot sets raging!
The wind’s ripped into in now but there was a sweet moment there when the waves were up and the sun was shining! And to think I almost slept in!
Tomorrow we’re in for a jump in South Swell and continued offshore winds. That’ll kick off your weekend!
Behind the shed
Pushing Foam
All crossed over
Pat jamming the brakes
Big Big Red - Simon and 11'6" of fresh foam
Ski Sky
The Dark Right
Backlight Left
Axel finding vert on a screamer
Toes over on the inside!