
Water Colours

Water Colours

Change happens quickly when it comes to the weather.  One day it’s 33, then you wake up and it’s 12 degrees.

Even this morning change has happened at a rapid pace. One minute it’s flat, dark and cloudy, next thing the sun’s out and there’s 3 foot sets raging!

The wind’s ripped into in now but there was a sweet moment there when the waves were up and the sun was shining! And to think I almost slept in!

Tomorrow we’re in for a jump in South Swell and continued offshore winds.  That’ll kick off your weekend!



Behind the shed

Behind the shed

Pushing Foam

Pushing Foam

All crossed over

All crossed over

Pat jamming the brakes

Pat jamming the brakes

Big Big Red - Simon and 11'6" of fresh foam

Big Big Red - Simon and 11'6" of fresh foam

Ski Sky

Ski Sky

The Dark Right

The Dark Right

Backlight Left

Backlight Left

Axel finding vert on a screamer

Axel finding vert on a screamer

Toes over on the inside!

Toes over on the inside!

Murray Fraser