Sprout Daily

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:: NYC Dawn Dash

I got a 4:30am pick up from 7th Ave & 29th Street in the heart of Manhattan with 3 hours sleep under my belt and no idea where we were heading. About an hour out from the city and still a hour prior to sunrise we rocked up to a huge car park where surfers were already getting into their suits in the dark.  With a swell building and favourable winds there was a sense of amping in the carpark and a rush to complete the 45 minute hike into the sandy bottom lefthand point. I'm not going to give anything else away but the images will speak for themselves.  Waves were pumping, the sun was shining and the sand was easily comparable in finesse to any beach on the Gold Coast; and all a quick dash from the centre of New York City.

A stellar collection of local creative's have put together a great little clip for Analog especially for StabMag's Surf Trunk Poolside Love Affair.  It'd be epic if we could help them over the line and vote them up the charts to the top spot.  Do us a favour and get online and Vote for Analog today - you'll be flying the flag for the Northern Beaches.