:: Nor East
The Northerly blowing at the window last night was always going to whip up a little Nor-East wind swell. The real question was whether the offshore swing would arrive in time for a groomed morning session. At dawn this morning all the indications were there that'd the wind was swinging around to the West but by 8am the Nor-Easter had set in again. Perhaps there was just a bit of wishful thinking in that observation. It's still currently blowing at 10kts from the North East but we haven't given up on the prospect of a swing this afternoon. This little bump of Nor-East swell is going to fade as quick as it came so keep your eye on the wind and sneak out of work a little early this afternoon if you want a slice of it. We're going to hit 26˚ in Sydney today; that should be enough for an early mark for everyone.
:: Murray