:: Just Round The Corner


Though hard to make out what lay beneath a layer of sea mist this morning, it was obvious that the swell had picked up over night. The Beachies weren't tinkling many fancies and so it was round the corner to The Bower & Winki where, once the morning sickness had abated, a few memorable ones were ridden. A swarm of body boarders at Winki pushed the the takeoff further and further up the line making for a frustrating time of it for those of an upright persuasion while down the line at The Bower a motley crew of all shapes, sizes and crafts picked off a few nice ones as well. Well, this is my last day on The Sprout payroll. It's been a pleasure. Thanks to Murray and all you surfers for putting on the show and I'll hope to drop in again sometime. Yeow! Quilts. Oh and one final self-plug. I'll be exhibiting a body of photographs from The USA in Paddington in May. If you'd like an invitation to the opening please email me with your address and I'll drop one in the post.