Game On!
16 Seconds
Oh yeah! We've got waves in Sydney today! There's a fresh 16 seconds of south swell rolling up the Tasman. Manly's not getting the full brunt of it but a short or long drive will open the gates to all the energy that's out there. The wind was a light offshore this morning and it's gentling shifting around to the North all afternoon - that's not going to bother the northern corners where you'll want to be.
Go surf! There's plenty on offer!
The Aloha Spring Sale is kicking off tomorrow. If you've been around Manly for more than 5 minutes you'll know where to find the rare deals!
Go Surf!
Go Time!
Hand Brakey
Dune Crew
Wanna Swap Places
Heading North? - Probably better up there!
Inside Set Up
Tail Work
The Low Down