
The wind finally took a shift late yesterday afternoon and if you got amongst it then you would have know we were in for favourable conditions this morning. The swell is peaky from the East and the Sou-Wester this morning was keeping things nice and smooth.  There's banks up and down the beach with peaks breaking left and right.  I'd be out there if I wasn't on my electric typewriter.  Loads more images from this morning on the Facebook Gallery Tomorrow is going to be a scorcher as we kick back and enjoy Australia Day.  No doubt it'll be super crowded in the water so be kind to your fellow man while your celebrating the richness and diversity of our little corner of the country.  The good ol' Mazza Dazza threw in it's two cents worth this morning with a front page article suggesting "it's only a wave fellas". I'm not sure if they've nailed the spirit of surfing with that statement but maybe they're part of the way there.  Be mindful out in the water.

Aloha and G'day mate. Enjoy your holiday - you deserve it!