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:: Duke

Tomorrow marks a significant day in the history of Surfing, one hundred years since Duke Kahanamoku's historic surfing demonstration at Freshwater Beach.  Some of Surfing's most influential characters have converged on Sydney to celebrate and talk about Surfing culture, Duke's influence and it's evolution in the 100 years since. It wasn't until I sat at the gala dinner last night listening to Midget Farrelly, Fred Hemmings and Joey Cabell talk story that the true significance of the occasion struck me.  Big thanks to Patagonia Australia for adding me to their table, great night! Take some time to read this article, The Duke Legacy then get yourself involved in the celebrations of Duke's Day - it's happening today and tomorrow.

There's a bump of Nor-East wind swell around 3 to 4 feet this morning.  It was pretty soupy at North Steyne when I was in the water but potential was building every wave as the tide filed in.  Biggest (and best) waves we've seen in a while!

:: Murray