Sprout Daily

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Even before dawn the wind was up strong from the SSE making for a less than appealing hunt for an early morning paddle.  Add to that heavy clouds and a stormy 4 foot of East Swell and you're left with only the most committed Monday morning surfers suiting up today.  There wasn't much to shoot on dawn this morning except for a few dark clouds and a moment of light over the Bower. It's the first day of the School Holidays and glancing out the window now there's a handful of grommets lapping up the Southern corner onshore offerings.  You'd have to be super keen but there's no one keener than a grommet on holidays huh!   Looks like the wind is going to blow all day and then swing in from the North tomorrow.  There's going to be heaps of East swell in the coming days, we just need a little favourable wind and we're styling. Keep you're eyes the nearest flag.

Good to be home. Enjoy your day.

∆ Murray