Classic Queensland

With La Nina in full swing it was always going to happen.  The classic sand bottom set ups north of the border love a summer full of moist air and spinning low pressure systems and yesterday the green light came on.  Welcome to Classic Queensland!!  Kirra came alive with Nias style freight train barrels dredging sandy pits off the big groin.  It was heavy with only a handful of makable barrels but those amongst it either got their fill or received the punishment of their lives.   I took a swim through the line up and only had the chance to shoot two waves before being swept through to North Kirra.  There were some seriously sucky waves out there! Today I'm in Noosa and it's classic without the back breaking grunt of Kirra.   Imagine perfect waves peeling on all sections of the point with just a gentle breeze to feather the lip.  You know you want it!  Heard it's big and closing out down in Man Town.  Ah, wish you were here.