
Celestial Sunrise 

Celestial Sunrise 

Our magic run of pristine weather has come to a close - but what a run it was! Record temps, so much sunshine and perfect conditions. I happened to be out west yesterday, but I heard it might have been the crowning glory -  Hope you found yourself a slice of the sunshine. 

This morning's sunrise was the perfect way to herald in a change - High cloud formations made for some celestial light in the sky and on the water.

The Southerly wind is through and there's a solid south swell chasing up the coast. The sets were infrequent but well overhead at first light. Apparently it's going to be nudging 6ft by this  afternoon. Log's away - wax up the shortboards!

Light winds and plenty of swell tomorrow - catch you out there.

Racing Left

Racing Left

Celestial Surface 

Celestial Surface 

Simon & Friend

Simon & Friend

Incoming Weather

Incoming Weather

9ft Swing

9ft Swing

Marshmallow Grind

Marshmallow Grind

Tapered Right

Tapered Right

Run To The Sun 

Run To The Sun 

Murray Fraser