Big Chill

Nick Dropping

Nick Dropping

Did you get in the water over the weekend?  Brrrrrr - oh man it's cold! The water temperature has plummeted.  I reckon it's way down below the coldest we experienced over the winter.  The MHL wave-rider buoy is reading 17.4 degrees but it's got to be into the 16's just off the sand!  Anyone get an exact reading? 

The East swell is on the rise today and this morning's had its moment.  Wind and rain has been intermittent with some glassy conditions between the squalls.  Time your run and there's some super fun waves to be had. 

Tomorrow it'll bump up again and the wind's going to be a light. Not polished but could be real fun! 

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Little Left - South End

Little Left - South End

Norfolk Stretch 

Norfolk Stretch 

Warm Up - You're going to need it!

Warm Up - You're going to need it!

Beach Beat

Beach Beat

Racing Clean Faces 

Racing Clean Faces 



No Wetsuit?  - You Crazy Benny!

No Wetsuit?  - You Crazy Benny!

Murray Fraser