Sprout Daily

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:: Aotearoa

Good afternoon from across the Tasman.  We’ve been offline for a few days chasing waves and waiting for swell on Aotearoa.  Yesterday the swell hit and it was solid. The buoys were reading waves heights in the vicinity of 4-5metres and we were ducking for cover looking for shelter. Surfable options were limited. This morning the wind had swung offshore, the swell lines were marching in relentlessly and we lucked into solid clean waves in one of the North Islands more remote locations (if you know where it is, you're lucky, no need to say).

Today’s post is just a quick edit from today as well as some travel shots from the road.  This time around Joel Fitzgerald is in the passenger seat along with Jeremé Aubertin, Photog/Photo Editor of stylish NZ surf publication Damaged Good Zine.

Come along for the ride with us through NZ - follow on Instagram - @sproutdaily

More waves tomorrow; hopefully! :: Murray