
Fiery Fronds

Fiery Fronds

After a fiery flash of colour at dawn the light faded and the sky quickly transitioned to a muted grey morning. Kind had the feeling of a winter's morning down on the sand once the dark set in. I don't about you guys, but my body clock still hasn't quite adjusted to the new daylight savings regime. 6am still feels like 5 to me... maybe next week I'll be bouncing out of bed again.

Surfing on the agenda? Yesterday's bump of south swell has faded a touch but the wind should be kind most of the day so there should be options at your local. A late southerly will sweeps through this evening with a small rise in swell tomorrow.

Have a good Thursday.


Flags are up! - Shop Mick Fanning Softboards

Colour Spread

Colour Spread



Light Catch

Light Catch

Salmon Biting?

Salmon Biting?

Warming Left

Warming Left

Big board, small pocket

Big board, small pocket



Dark Cruise

Dark Cruise

Deep Whip

Deep Whip

Clear little pocket

Clear little pocket

Hanging in the light

Hanging in the light

Murray Fraser