Sprout Daily

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We’ve got a gusty nor'wester that has raised a thin veil of dust over the city. It's making for some beautiful filtered light and giving the beach the look of old faded film.

Out of the wind it's a sensational day and the best place to hide from the nor'westerly on this side of the bridge is Freshwater. Today's post is going to make you want to switch on your Out Of Office and make a b-line for the beach.

There was only the odd half-footer at Freshwater and you had to be very patient. It did look a little more promising down the south end of Manly with a little nor-east wind swell pushing in. Afternoon surf check?


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Seagull Swim

Freshwater Filtered

Primary Colours

Switch Stance

Sea & Sandstone

No Waves - No Worries

Solo Swim

The Duke - Still Surfing


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