Iso Rhythm
Dawn Flight
I don't know about you but I think I've finally found some rhythm to this whole social distancing/work from home situation we've found ourselves in. In the beginning, the uncertainty and ambiguity of it all had me way out of sorts. I was checking the news every half hour and waiting with anticipation as the PM & Premier gave their morning update served with a fresh round of rules and regulations. Now, I think I've worked it out: Don't go outside unless you're working, getting essentials, need medical assistance or you're exercising. When you're outside, don't linger and don't congregate in groups larger than 2. Hey, it's pretty simple really and easy enough to observe.
Lucky for us, surfing, swimming and running/walking the beach have been declared exercise. There was talk of the beach closing today which freaked a lot of people out, including myself. In reality, what it means is that there's no flags up and you'll be asked to move on or fined if you're hanging out on the sand or promenade. That seems reasonable.
Feels like the Northern Beaches Council are doing their best to keep the beaches accessible for our daily dose of exercise and saltwater with the lifeguards making regular announcements to remind us to "go home!" It's a simple message and as long as we can adhere to it and keep the numbers down, maybe we can get through the long weekend without a full closure. Let's be sensible - if it looks busy already maybe don't make it busier and check back later. Take your healthy lungs for a run, practice some yoga or watch an old Jack McCoy film! My favourite is Son's of Fun!
Support Local - Divine Flow Yoga
Can't surf or don't want to make the line-up more crowded than it already is? Get into Yoga! Your surfing will improve out of sight! Today we're checking in with Eliza and Andrew, co-founders of Divine Flow Yoga in Brookvale to see how they've innovated and adapted with the effective shutdown of their studio. READ HERE
Oh hey Declan!
Feathered Left
Not sure what this guy was riding but man he was having fun!
Sand & Foam
Heath - Same position as yesterday
Declan Wyton - Currently #3 on the Men's WSL Longboard Tour
The ever elusive Olitas going left!
Got skills!
Long Left Wall
Divine Flow Yoga - Today's Support Local Interview - READ HERE