Day For It
Sunrise Scene
We're on a lovely run of weather for the start of spring. It's comfortable out in a tee as soon as the sun's breached the horizon and the ocean is inching up and away from what was a cooler than normal winter (I reckon it was - you?).
You've probably noticed we're also on a run of small waves; the only swell on offer today is the weak short-period stuff. You'll need something long and/or buoyant to get you trimming or settle for a swim. Good luck to all the Make-A-Wave crew raising money for SurfAid.
It's going to be 30˚ in Sydney with nor'west winds today.
Good day for it (whatever it is for you).
Sheltered Swim
Chasing The Wedge
Spring Palms
In The Zone… momentarily
Three Way Split
Minimal Trim
Between Headlands