Gold ?!?!

Lachie standing tall

Sensational winter morning out on the ocean today. The feels pretty cool at the moment. The MHL Waverider Buoy has the temp just under 17 degrees but my internal thermometer reckon's it's a touch cooler than that. We're deep in the winter season now and wetsuit tech is pretty good these days so no complaint's here. 

Fun waves this morning. It's smaller than yesterday but the east swell is lingering at shoulder high on the sets.

ok, the big news right now it that Jack Robinson just jumped off the boat for the gold medal heat against the local over in Tahiti. The waves aren't amazing but there's gold on the line. Go Jack!  Tune In Live!


Ol in the spot




Happy Days


Light on the feet


Close up coach




Graham off the bottom


Line Up View


Another tube goes down


Perfect positioning


A seat in the clouds

Murray Fraser