Geez this weather's not helping…. It's nice out the window right now and the whole weekend was gorgeous. It was the kind of weather and ocean conditions that normally would be a source of pride and celebration in Sydney. Unfortunately, the position we're in means that time in the outside world is reserved for exercise, travelling to and from work and the procurement of essentials. I admit I probably exercised more yesterday than a regular Sunday and the routine included a triathlon of walking to Curl Curl, grabbing a take away coffee at Freshwater and swimming at Queenscliff
My brief swim coincided with the announcement that the beach was closed to all sand and water activities; and fair enough, the beach looked like any other summer's day. By late afternoon the beach and promenade had taken on eerily empty appearance. I guess it looked the way it's supposed to look when a country is effectively under a "stay at home' order. The writing was on the wall for some time, we all could see it coming...
So, how do we keep the beaches open AND respect the current measures that we have in place to keep the community safe? What essential? What's exercise? Is social distancing enough? Seemed like more chat on the social channels about how the media was trying to "get us" using zoom lenses and the like, rather than any meaningful suggestions on how we could be changing our behaviours. I admit, I'm probably part of the problem, but what's the solution? If it's a choice between permanent closure of the beach or acting selflessly and reducing your time or number of beach visits during the week than we'd probably all vote for the latter.
Heath on the spot
Left Wall
Salt & Sunshine
Backwash Ridge
Hightide Flare
Golden Arches
Right Wall