5 Day Weekend
Ah the romance of it!
Easter Tuesday - Is that a thing? I reckon we're going need a public holiday to recover from the public holiday's. And wouldn't be nice just once every year the working week is fully flipped? Come on, a 5 day weekend and a 2 day working week. Just once!
We're just a short zip across sheltered waters from Auckland but an age away from the big-city bustle. Dirt roads, empty beaches, natural hot springs and beautiful, untouched, rugged wilderness. There's literally a vista every rise and turn. And did I mention the waves? I promised I wouldn't say too much but corner me in Manly over coffee and you might ply a little out. For now, let's just say I think we got pretty lucky....
Enjoy Easter Tuesday!
Dawn Rib
Sunrise Horizon Lines
Best get the board Doc!
The Doc - Goes right sometimes too!
Shoreline Cave
In Tune
Private Property