4 to 5m


We're in the thick of a very solid swell. From lake-like conditions on Sunday, the swell jumped rapidly Monday morning and has since ebbed and flowed between 4 and 5 metres with outlier sets over 10metres! It's real big!

When the swell gets this big, options are limited and that sleepy sandstone slab of reef below the cliffs wakes from its slumber. It's an unpredictable beast of a wave that can serve up the tube of a lifetime or twist itself inside out with a slingshot foamball. You never know what you're going to get but it's always a spectacle.


Sam Jones running a very find line


Setting up the ledge


Air Drop


The reward


Cool in the face of heavy water


Subtle message from the carpark


Tough day for a quiet swim


Too windy for this ol' girl... 


Another tube goes down

Murray Fraser