Bye Jan!


I don't know about you guys but January has felt like the longest month to me. Maybe it's the oppressive heat and humidity, maybe it's the tightrope walk between work and leisure time we tread or maybe because it is literally the longest month in terms of daylight hours. Either way, I'm feeling a little exhausted with January... with that said, I'm so looking forward to February and the rest of the year... exciting things ahead. Bring it on!

This morning was a game of two halves. The first before the sun emerged from behind the clouds with a very light northerly and bumpy sea-surface; the second with bright sunshine and a light soothing sou'wester. It terms of photography and surfing, the second half was by far the more fruitful. The swell's only small but it's clean down the south end and there's a few fun banks about. 

Goodbye and thanks January, we'll see you next year. 


Still got a few boxes of the 2024 Sprout Daily Calendar
Order online & collect in Manly



Milking It


Humidity Traffic




Volleyball Migration


TW down south


Left Perch


Knee-high nose ride 


Close Encounters




Panty & Flags


Cloud Shadows

Murray Fraser